My Nasdaq Internship

Written by Nia Khaan

Every internship is supposed to challenge the student. Whether it's learning new skills, redefining our career path, or learning to network across individual boundaries, internships give students the opportunity to polish our professional brand and take risks.


My internship at Nasdaq this summer was the most challenging, and simultaneously the most rewarding, summer employment experience thus far. As the world’s second largest stock exchange, I was intimidated starting my career with the company as not only the only intern at the Chicago office but the only African American woman. However, with reassurance from my Greenwood family and complete immersion into the work the Strategic Capital Intelligence group contributes at Nasdaq, I presented my final project on the trends of responsible investing. With the guidance from the Greenwood Project, I made a defining step towards my future after college and look forward to applying the skills and understanding of the markets throughout my professional career. 


Who Knew This Could Happen To Me